a reasonable facsimile

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

finally a new entry!

sooooo maybe it's time to get back on the blogging bandwagon...yes, we are still alive! it's been a bit of a sabbatical from spending much time on the computer - mostly cuz i spend enuf time on one at work.
but here - it's about june -the weather is gorgeous, a million flowers blooming, the sky blue the ocean breeze blowing gently. we just ventured on a fabulous hike this past monday which was our Victoria Day holiday. we decided to avoid camping due to most of the weekend being grey and a bit rainy. But monday was gorgeous and the East sooke coast trail, being our favorite was amazing!!
the water was so calm and clear. we saw lots of creatures - two sun basking seals (they were making the most amazing noises...i had no idea!), a bald eagle, a hawk or osprey, a squirrel, a raccoon, an otter, a dead sea lion (sad, gross, and stinky). it was a good 10 -12 km hike and it was wonderful!


  • At 11:26 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    YAY! You're back. :-)


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